On October 27 I'll be leading 3 hour workshop for 9-13 year olds that goes through the basics of the comic making process: how to develop a character, a synopsis, a script and then make a comic. I'll be taking along some character examples and story starters to help get the participants going and I'll give them some illustrator tips to help with their drawings. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with!
"Make your own comic" is part of a series of half term workshops organized by
Chelsea Young Writers, book a place for your child
here. The venue for my workshop is St John's Church in Notting Hill W11 it starts at 1.30pm and finishes at 4.30pm. All materials will be provided. It'll be great fun!
Workshop description:
Would you like to make comics but don’t know where to start? Have you ever tried to make a comic and then got stuck after the first few panels? Are you curious about how comics are made? Whether you are already an avid fan of comics or have just started to become interested this will be an exciting workshop for you.
Illustrator, writer and comics maker Amanda Lillywhite will take you through the steps of creating a strong storyline. You’ll learn the basics of developing a main character, a synopsis and a script then you’ll make your own comic.
The skills you’ll learn in this workshop are suitable for any genre of comic and can be adapted for other forms of illustrated writing.
It’s fun to make comics, come along and join in!
Character work for "Rosie" by Amanda Lillywhite |